The old way of doing things won't work any longer...
The old way of doing things won't work any longer...
We lost 240 acres of my great-grandfather in North Louisiana due to land predators and a lack of understanding among many of the heirs. A crooked attorney of non-melanin skin tone got a family to sale their shares to him. That forced the family into a sheriff sale which allowed him to legally obtain the property. One thing for sure he didn't obtain it for pennies on the dollar which was his original plan. I'll have to share this story with you. After that we got busy and made sure that my grandfather's property of 40 acres showed clear ownership to the heirs. I have attached an article that was written by one of my cousins that was published in the newspaper that shares information on land predators. It's an experience I'll never forget. I spent many hours with my cousin and mom to gather information and locate family members to fight this case. One thing it did for me is that I met family members that I would never met if it hadn't been for this process. Thanks for sharing valuable information Hilton.